Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays

Realizing that some people are less comfortable wishing everyone 'Merry Christmas,' as addressed in my last post, here's a list of ways to say 'Happy Holidays' in a few other languages.


French: Joyeuses Fetel.
Swedish: Trevlig Helg.
Portuguese: Boas Festas.
Romanian: Sarbotori Fericite
Mandarin: Jie Ri Yu Kuai
Carlan: Bones Festes
Italian: Buone Feste
South African (Xhose): li holide eximnandi
German: Forhe Feiertage
Dutch: Prettige feestdagen
Hawaiian: Hou'oli Lanui (pronounced how-oh-law la-new-ee)
In Gaelic: Beannachtai na feile
Slovenian: Vesele Praznike
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Raya
Croatian: Sretni praznici
Souther English: Happy Holidays Ya'll!

I hope everyone's season is filled with a full amount of love and light and happiness.

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