Monday, December 28, 2009

Starbucks Church

I recently stumbled across this video called "What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church?" The video originated from a church marketing website founded and run by Richard Reising, a marketing consultant.

We all know that churches have their own unique brand/genre of marketing, and that genre is so different than corporate society that when churches do market like big business something feels odd about it. I live near Biltmore Baptist Church which often has commercial advertisements on stations that real people actually watch. And when they come on the TV it's plain weird. Churches just don't advertise that way.

But here's the prophetic video which just might be a wake up call. Though five minutes long, it's worth a watch and dripping with truth.


Let's here your comments about it. Javalluiah!


The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse said...

a curiously truthful analysis...scary!Javaluiah!

Erin Miller said...

Ouch! That's a great one.

Robert L said...

I enjoyed the part about the new visitors. Oh, is this your first time? Well then everyone look here. Raise your hands if you are new. Go sit over there and fill this out. So classic.