Saturday, June 27, 2009


Here's a movie review without any spoilers.

Last night I went to see Transformers: Rise of the Fallen, a much anticipated sequal to the first film which surprised audiences and box offices with its astounding success and exhilirating visual effects. Director Michael Bay is back in his usual form delivering in one sense the same promised package of action, comedy and CGI as the first film.

Rise of the Fallen brings a plot with slightly more deapth, more robot war action and a few unanticipated emotional moments. However, it fell short of the first movie by offereing less natural comedy than the first, and little to no character development (except for Sam). New robots were introduced on both sides of the autobot battle field, and/but with so many characters I can understand the diffilculty faced in giving each of them adequate screen time. In this way, the movie fell pray to the same problem that hindered Spider-Man 3.

The one stronger criticism which may hold back some measure of success is the kind of comedy the movie makers typically went for. The level of sexual humor and some crudeness increased from it's predecessor making it less appealing to families, especially those with smaller children (though this did not stop an 8 year old in my theater from yelling during most of the movie).

Overall, I enjoyed the movie and will definitly watch it again. Of the summer movies so far released, I would put it at the top right beside the new Star Trek movie, because I can't decide which I enjoyed more. I'll just have to have two favorites.

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