Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hands. Our hands are so very precious and yet so under appreciated. Our hands are a vital part of who we are. Our finger prints are each one unique. Our hands are blessed parts of our body.
One way our department each year tries to show the nursing staff how much we appreciate them is by leading them in a service to bless their hands.
Hands are a major theme in scripture. The hand of God represents power. The work of our hands signifies our livelihood, it's how we live. We lay hands on people to bless them and offer healing. We say hello and goodbye with our hands; and the holding of hands is a timeless display of intimacy. Hands are important. In the hospital, nurses give and sustain life with their hands.
St. Augustine said, "What does love look like? It has the hands to help others." After these few words of appreciation I anointed each of their hands with olive oil from Israel, a treat for them. To each nurse I recited, "I bless your hands as they give life and love in this place," and I shared a quick memory of working with that person.
This was in my favorite unit in the hospital. These were my favorite nurses. Words cannot say how much my heart was warmed by their faces, and smiles, and girly sighing "aawwees." This will make it much more difficult to leave in two days.
It last only 7 minutes, but it meant the world to them, and to me. In seven short minutes one nearly cried, one hugged me before I finished, another asked if there was anyway I could stay on at the hospital (sadly no), and when it was over the last thing I wanted to do was leave. I wanted to cry. Officially, I was the one blessing them, but in doing so I received a blessing more meaningful than I expected.
And finally, if they needed for anything else, I was able to bless their stomachs with the brownies I brought!
Thank you CCU nurses, you're the best!

1 comment:

The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse said...

May YOUR hands know the blessing that YOUR heart is to me!