Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is the forth week since my residency ended, and I've got to say, unemployment can be stressful. After all, it's been a while since I've been without work.

One week after I turned 16 years old I went and got a job at the local grocery store near our house. I worked there until I went to college. During college I didn't work, except during the summers. Two summers I worked for a landscaping company and learned the benefits and pains of manual labor. However, I do look back at those summers as two of the most rewarding.

During grad school I held multiple jobs at various times. My first year I worked in a law school library and as the music minister at a small church. For three years I worked as a college pastor and a Harris Teeter cashier. During that time I was also a TA for the Hebrew professor.

My residency began directly after grad school so there was no break in work responsibilities, and my time as a hospital chaplain was more rigorous than when I held 3 jobs while in school full-time. At the hospital, I worked 60 hour weeks and had papers and committees to prepare for. What I'm trying to say is, I've stayed pretty busy for all of my adult life.

Being unemployed is a harsh change. The lack of responsibility is as stressful as multiple tasks on my plate and people counting on me to preform. Job hunting is what it is, and I've done a bit of that. It, however, takes time.

One of the things I have accomplished recently and perfected during this near month is something I always wanted to learn: how to solve a Rubik's cube. Below is a video of me solving a scrambled cube in less than 2.5 minutes!

If you have any suggestions on how to best handle in-between-jobs-time, please leave them in the comment section. Until then, I'll continue to try and decrease my Rubik's Cube time. Enjoy.

(I've discovered that Firefox is not compatible with the video format. If you can't can't view the video, try opening it in a different browser, such as Internet Explorer.)


Alle Photography said...

You repotted that jade plant yet? ;)

Erin Miller said...

WOW! I'm totally car sick from watching that. A little impressed. And you definately need some pulpit filling. Nice new blog look through.

Nora said...

Long walks with the dogs!