Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pie #2 Review

This is a picture of Heather's second ever home made mouth watering pumpkin pie. In a recent post I raved about how delicious her first pie was. And here I am again to praise pie number 2.

Using a different recipe, Heather concocted her second mouth watering wonder in pie form. This one, a traditional recipe, used less sugar and a fair amount of tasteful spices including ground cloves which gave it a rich flavor reminding me of grandma's thanksgiving ham.

I must say, this one tastes even better than the first which was a custard based kind of texture. This one's fluffier texture and spices combine wonderfully forming a flavorful delicacy which leave you wanting more.

She used the self-harvested pumpkin pie filling left over from last week's pie (none of that canned stuff), and there's still some left over (though not enough for another whole pie). However, all this is only half of the pumpkin, so when the rest is boiled and mashed we'll have ample amounts for yet more pies.

This excites me.

Because Heather seeks the opinions of so many Ashevillians I still have yet to bring some to my fellow chaplains in Spartanburg. I'm thinking I may have to make my own pie to bring to work; however, my co-workers may wonder why it doesn't taste as good as those I've described that Heather made.

I'm hoping for more pies between now and Thanksgiving, in fact I'm counting on them. This one was better than the last and the last one was still great, so you can start being jealous now.

1 comment:

The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse said...

I'm hungry. Is it time for lunch yet? :)