Monday, August 2, 2010


"What day is it?" During my 'in-between-time' (some like to call this unemployment) I have asked this question a lot. I lose track of the day because everyday feels like Saturday.

Be it actually Tuesday or Thursday, my day still functions much like a lazy Saturday. Maybe today I'll go to the pool, or hit golf balls, or mow the lawn, watch cartoons, sleep late or whatever people typically do on Saturday. Alas, for I do these things any and every day.

In Genesis when God created the earth, God rested on the 7th day, God took a rest. We call this day the Sabbath (or Shabbat in Hebrew). Most Christians recognize the sabbath on Sunday; however, the original sabbath is recognized by the Jews on Saturday. The early Christians moved their sabbath from Saturday to Sunday in an effort to separate themselves from the Jews of the time.

Sabbath: a day of rest after a week of work. Well, what does it mean that for me everyday is a day or rest. Perhaps I'm recognizing a season of rest after a season of work. I worked through four years of college, then four years of grad-school and then a CPE residency, the most rigorous year of my life. Maybe I need a season of rest? Or maybe, everyone else works hard all the time, and I should get snappin.' Maybe.

I'm sure I'll busy myself soon with some sort of meaningful work again; but, for now I think I'm going to go take a nap, after all I got up today at 11am.


Erin Miller said...

Whew. By the title I was scared you were becoming an Adventist or something. :) Good post. I like the idea that after years of work maybe you need a season of rest. Enjoy the nap!

The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse said...

play like a child. sleep like a cat. love like a dog.