Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why would someone with four cars walk to work?

Meet my buddy, Robert (on the right). He is a computer programmer for the distinguished Wake Forest University and lives in Winston-Salem, NC. I have known him for about 4 years now, and in that time he has owned a total of six cars (not at the same time). Robert introduced me to Dave Ramsey, a money guru who gives sound practical advice on managing personal finance. Together, Robert and I often talk about wise and not so wise money decisions when it comes to cars, apartments, jobs and paying off our wives' school debt.

You can view Robert's well-written blog here.

Now, the question that titles this blog is an intriguing one for sure. Why would someone with four cars walk to work? The answer to this question is in a sequence of events that coincidentally lined up as if nature was working against him that kept Robert from driving any of his cars to work. Robert, I won't divulge too much of your personal info on this one, but you have tarried too long in posting this funny story on your own blog.

Robert and his wife each have a car they use daily. However, Robert had recently purchased my car (car #3) with plans of selling his and making a few extra dollars; however, this car was still in Asheville for time being. At the same time, his wife had found what she's wanted for a long time, an old 1965 Chevy truck, and bought it cheap (#4).

One happy morning, these two wonderful people awoke and prepared each to go to work. Robert's wife, left first. But outside, she found that her car's lock was busted and wouldn't unlock. She couldn't get in. No matter, she borrowed Robert's regular car and headed off to the world of pharmacy for the day. Robert could drive the classic truck. But outside on a chilly morning, the truck wouldn't start. His last option, the car he'd bought from me, was some 130 miles away. So, he's standing outside next to a car that won't start, a car that won't open up with keys in his hand for a car that runs fine but is across the state.

When I heard about this, I sympathized, but I can't help but find this funny. And that's why someone with four cars would walk to work.


1 said...

Dad and i are driving to raleigh Friday. Think Robert would like us to drive the Saturn to him in winston? Mom

Robert L said...


Robert now has all 4 of his cars at his house. The Land Rover is fixed so now I have 3 drivable cars and one that will drive when jump-started.

Couldn't have said it better by the way. Great post. Giggling and face palming at the same time.